
Sierra Club and American Littoral Society's 25th Annual Coastal Cleanup

This Saturday (September 25th) the Sierra Club and the American Littoral Society are undertaking their 25th Annual International Coastal Cleanup. Last year, over 10,000 volunteers helped to clean and document over 140,000 pounds of debris along the NY shoreline.

This is a great opportunity to: clean the beach and document what litters our shores, compile data to devise strategies to combat pollution, increase public participation in solving the problem of pollution, and increase public awareness and appreciation of the coastal environment.

Contact Barbara Cohen if you'd like to get involved, cleanups will be taking place at Long Island Sound and along the Hudson River : ALSBeach@aol.com or (718) 471-2166

In addition the two organizations are also hosting a "Sunset Cruise", a special 3-hour narrated tour of Jamaica Bay aboard the“Golden Sunshine” out of Sheepshead Bay. It will take place from from 4 - 7PM and leaves from Pier 2 (Emmons Ave. & Bedford Ave., Brooklyn). This could be a fun way to learn about the history & ecology of the bay and not to mention see migrating hawks, falcons, osprey, herons, egrets, ibis, shorebirds and waterfowl. The tour/ cruise will be led by Mickey Cohen and Don Riepe of the Sierra Club. Cost: $45 includes narrated tour, wine & cheese, fruit, snacks. For more information call (718) 318-9344 or e-mail: driepe@nyc.rr.com